Liebe Geschäftspartner,

bei Balmung Medical übernehmen wir eine Verantwortung gegenüber der globalen Gemeinschaft, die sich darauf konzentriert, die Umwelt in all unseren Unternehmensaktivitäten und entlang unserer gesamten Lieferkette zu schützen. Wir verpflichten uns, alle relevanten Umweltgesetze und -vorschriften an allen Standorten zu respektieren und, wo möglich, sogar zu übertreffen.

Unsere Bemühungen konzentrieren sich darauf, die ökologische Effizienz in allen Geschäftsbereichen zu fördern und unsere Umweltbilanz insgesamt zu verbessern. Dies beinhaltet besonders die Reduzierung des Einsatzes gefährlicher Substanzen sowie die Minimierung von CO2-Emissionen. Wir kooperieren mit anderen Unternehmen der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie, um die Umweltbilanz von Balmung-Produkten während ihres Einsatzes kontinuierlich zu verbessern.

Wir erwarten von unseren Lieferanten, dass sie unsere Umweltverträglichkeitsgrundsätze übernehmen und einhalten, und dass sie sich auch dazu verpflichten, ihre eigenen Mitarbeiter, Lieferanten und andere Stakeholder entsprechend zu sensibilisieren.



SUPPLIER NAME: Balmung Medical Handel GmbH

PUBLICATION DATE: Februar 7th, 2024


Commitment to achieving Net Zero

Balmung Medical Handel GmbH is committed to reducing the carbon footprint and achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.


Additional details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations.
Balmung Medical Handel GmbH has not previously reported emissions; therefore, the first reporting period and Baseline Year is 2023.
Baseline Year emissions:
Scope 1 15
Scope 2 49.3
Scope 3 (included Sources) 717


Current Emissions Reporting


EMISSIONS                                                                                                           TOTAL (tCO²e)
Scope 1                                                                                                           15
Scope 2                                                                                                           49.3
Scope 3 (Included Sources)                                                                                                           717
TOTAL EMISSIONS                                                                                                           781.3


Emissions reduction targets

Balmung Medical Handel GmbH has not previously reported emissions and commits to reduce 100% of the carbon emissions by 2050. To continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets.

We project that carbon emissions will decrease over the next five years to 677 tCO2e by 2029. This is a reduction of 13.3%.

The planned pathway to Net Zero can be seen in the graph below:


Carbon Reduction Projects

Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives
As a responsible medical device company, we conducted an environmental study to analyse the environmental aspects and risks associated with our business operations. The objective of this study was to identify potential environmental impacts of our activities and propose suitable measures to mitigate these impacts.


1.    Energy Consumption

We analysed the energy consumption of our company, with a focus on electricity consumption. We obtain our electricity from 100% hydropower and therefore, exclusively from renewable energy sources. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement in terms of the use of energy-efficient lighting systems and the optimization of electricity use in certain areas of our building.

Energy consumption goals:

·         Replace conventional lighting with energy-efficient LED bulbs.

·         Conduct training sessions for our employees on energy efficiency measures to raise awareness about electricity consumption.

2.    Employees and Business Travel

Another important aspect of our environmental study concerns the necessary traffic related to our employees and the required communication with our customers. Most of our employees commute to work using their own cars. Due to our business operations, a significant number of business trips are conducted for customer meetings, with many of them utilizing company vehicles.

We will take measures to minimize the need for physical business travel and promote alternative communication methods. We will prioritize online meetings and video conferences to facilitate effective collaboration and communication without the need for physical presence.

Employees and business travel goals:

·         We will explore the possibility of transitioning our fleet to alternative propulsion technologies, such as electric vehicles or hybrid vehicles.

·         Business meetings will be preferentially conducted online.

·         For business meetings that cannot be conducted online, we will strive to use train travel whenever possible. Compared to airplanes or cars, train transportation is considered a more environmentally friendly mode of transport, as it has lower CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre. By reducing business travel and promoting online meetings, as well as prioritizing the use of train travel, we will make a significant contribution to reducing our ecological footprint. Simultaneously, cost savings will be achieved, and the efficiency of our workflows will be improved.

·         Employees will be encouraged, whenever possible, to carpool for their commute and to use public transportation or other climate-friendly modes of transportation.


3.    Logistics and Transportation

We are aware that the transportation of medical devices can pose potential environmental risks, particularly in terms of CO2 emissions. Most of our inbound and outbound deliveries are handled by external logistics service providers. Local deliveries are conducted using our own conventional delivery vehicles.

Logistics and transportation goals:

·         We will optimize our route planning to minimize trips and thereby reduce fuel consumption.

·         We will explore the possibility of upgrading our delivery vehicles to modern environmental standards and investigate alternative propulsion technologies.

·         Whenever possible, we will exert influence on manufacturers to optimize packaging in terms of required volume. This can help optimize logistics costs and reduce the number of necessary deliveries.

·         We will prioritize the selection of external logistics service providers who operate a certified environmental management system (such as ISO 14001 or equivalent) when economically feasible.


4.    Waste management

We examined our waste management practices and found that we have an adequate waste separation system in place. We ensure proper disposal of waste to avoid potential environmental impacts. However, we can enhance our measures to reduce packaging waste.

Waste management goals:

·         We will promote the use of reusable or recyclable packaging materials.

·         We will provide training for our employees on proper waste separation and disposal.


Our environmental study has revealed that we have already implemented many positive environmental practices, such as the use of renewable energy sources and proper waste management. However, we have also identified areas where improvements can be made, particularly in energy consumption, logistics, and the reduction of business travel.

By implementing our recommended measures, we will enhance our environmental performance, reduce our ecological footprint, and make a positive contribution to environmental protection. Simultaneously, we will strengthen our reputation, save costs, and improve the efficiency of our business operations. We will monitor the implementation of these measures continuously and conduct regular assessments to ensure their effectiveness and the desired positive impact on the environment.


Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard[1] and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting[2].

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard[3].


Engelbert Leobacher, CEO Balmung Medical
February 6th, 2024


