And Action!
Together with the prestigious film studio Beech Studios, we are currently working on a masterpiece - our first Employer Film. The film will give an insight into our inspiring daily work and will help to find new members for our Balmung Family.
The main objective of this film is to present Balmung as an attractive employer in the region and to attract potential employees to the company. In order to successfully implement this project, a renowned film studio was selected as a partner that has already realized numerous renowned customer projects in the past.
Before choosing this partner, the Balmung team viewed a variety of HR films for inspiration. We really wanted to create an authentic, emotionally gripping film and that's how we came across Zeiss' award-winning film. With this positive impression in mind, planning for the Balmung Employer Film began. The film consists of interviews with employees who talk about their personal experiences, their field of activity, personal motivation and inspiration. The authentic was exactly what we also wanted for our film to appeal to potential applicants. After some preliminary discussions with Beech, the concept for the film was defined.

On July 4 and 5, the time had finally come to shoot the film in the so-called hollow in the time-honored paper factory in Rosenheim. In the run-up to the shoot, those responsible for the project met with a number of employees to discuss the dialogs in advance. These included Engelbert, Annika Schweinester, Christine Gruber, Andreas Treichl and Yin Steininger. In the said period of filming, a team of 7 people was at our side. For most of them the situation was a new one and the protagonists felt almost transported to Hollywood. Maybe a start to their acting career? Going into makeup already felt very unusual.
After a little warm-up, which really everyone needed, the dialogue in front of the camera went quite well for everyone. 2-3 hours lasted the recordings with the respective person until the right moments were captured. The recordings were a valuable experience for everyone, and one that they certainly won't soon forget. In addition to our own employees, the studio also recommended that we choose 2 external protagonists to portray certain desired candidates well.
For this reason, I had already dealt with the selection of the respective characters beforehand, which should reflect the dynamic and international wonderfully. I also accompanied these recordings to be able to give my personal input. What can I say, the two of them got so into character that they felt like long-time colleagues. Maybe one day they will actually become colleagues. As July progresses, the pros should also be able to make good progress on the video editing. The entire Balmung Medical team is already very excited to see the final result!
But in addition to this employer film, another film project is already in the starting blocks. This is the presentation of the construction of the new Balmung Medical Headquarters in the Horizon Quarter in Kirchbichl. Production of this film has also begun and will illustrate the impressive development of the company.
Balmung firmly believes that the combination of a professional film studio and dedicated employees will help position the company as an attractive employer and attract potential employees. The Employer Film will be a valuable resource to showcase the corporate culture and career opportunities at Balmung through targeted campaigns.